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cut short

  • 1 cut short

    1) (to make shorter than intended: He cut short his holiday to deal with the crisis.) saīsināt
    2) (to cause (someone) to stop talking by interrupting them: I tried to apologize but he cut me short.) pārtraukt kādu

    English-Latvian dictionary > cut short

  • 2 to cut short


    English-Latvian dictionary > to cut short

  • 3 cut

    1. present participle - cutting; verb
    1) (to make an opening in, usually with something with a sharp edge: He cut the paper with a pair of scissors.)
    2) (to separate or divide by cutting: She cut a slice of bread; The child cut out the pictures; She cut up the meat into small pieces.)
    3) (to make by cutting: She cut a hole in the cloth.)
    4) (to shorten by cutting; to trim: to cut hair; I'll cut the grass.)
    5) (to reduce: They cut my wages by ten per cent.)
    6) (to remove: They cut several passages from the film.)
    7) (to wound or hurt by breaking the skin (of): I cut my hand on a piece of glass.)
    8) (to divide (a pack of cards).)
    9) (to stop: When the actress said the wrong words, the director ordered `Cut!')
    10) (to take a short route or way: He cut through/across the park on his way to the office; A van cut in in front of me on the motorway.)
    11) (to meet and cross (a line or geometrical figure): An axis cuts a circle in two places.)
    12) (to stay away from (a class, lecture etc): He cut school and went to the cinema.)
    13) ((also cut dead) to ignore completely: She cut me dead in the High Street.)
    2. noun
    1) (the result of an act of cutting: a cut on the head; a power-cut (= stoppage of electrical power); a haircut; a cut in prices.) cenu samazinājums
    2) (the way in which something is tailored, fashioned etc: the cut of the jacket.) piegriezums; fasons
    3) (a piece of meat cut from an animal: a cut of beef.) (gaļas) šķēle; atgriezums
    - cutting 3. adjective
    (insulting or offending: a cutting remark.) dzēlīgs; aizvainojošs
    - cut-price
    - cut-throat
    4. adjective
    (fierce; ruthless: cut-throat business competition.) nežēlīgs; uz dzīvību un nāvi
    - cut and dried
    - cut back
    - cut both ways
    - cut a dash
    - cut down
    - cut in
    - cut it fine
    - cut no ice
    - cut off
    - cut one's losses
    - cut one's teeth
    - cut out
    - cut short
    * * *
    grieziens; cirtiens; ievainojums, iegriezums; šķēle; nocirtums, cirpums; fasons, griezums, piegriezums; pazeminājums; samazinājums; pārtraukums; saīsinājums, izgriezums; pārtraukšana; apvainojums; ieskaņojums; profils, šķēlums; spēcīgs atsitiens; pārgriezt, sagriezt, griezt; ievainot; cirpt, pļaut, cirst; slīpēt, kalt; piegriezt; pazemināt; samazināt; krustoties; apvainot, aizskart; pārtraukt; saīsināt; pārtraukt; pārtraukt; neierasties, kavēt; šķilties, nākt; kastrēt; aizvākties; atšķaidīt; griezts; saīsināts; ar izgriezumiem; piedzēris

    English-Latvian dictionary > cut

  • 4 cut it short!

    runā īsi!

    English-Latvian dictionary > cut it short!

  • 5 short cut

    īsākais ceļš; īsākais ceļš

    English-Latvian dictionary > short cut

  • 6 to cut a long story short

    īsumā; vārdu sakot

    English-Latvian dictionary > to cut a long story short

  • 7 to cut somebody short

    pārtraukt kādu

    English-Latvian dictionary > to cut somebody short

  • 8 to cut the long story short

    vārdu sakot

    English-Latvian dictionary > to cut the long story short

  • 9 dock

    I 1. [dok] noun
    1) (a deepened part of a harbour etc where ships go for loading, unloading, repair etc: The ship was in dock for three weeks.) doks
    2) (the area surrounding this: He works down at the docks.) doks
    3) (the box in a law court where the accused person sits or stands.) apsūdzēto sols
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) enter a dock and tie up alongside a quay: The liner docked in Southampton this morning.) novietot/iebraukt dokā
    - dockyard II [dok] verb
    (to cut short or remove part from: The dog's tail had been docked; His wages were docked to pay for the broken window.) apcirst; nocirst; atvilkt (no algas)
    * * *
    apsūdzēto sols; skābene, skābenes; doks; ostas hospitālis; piestātne; strupceļš; apstrupināt, nocirst; novietot dokā; iebraukt dokā; īsi apgriezt; atvilkt; savienoties

    English-Latvian dictionary > dock

  • 10 crop

    [krop] 1. noun
    1) (a plant which is farmed and harvested: a fine crop of rice; We grow a variety of crops, including cabbages, wheat and barley.) raža; (lauks.) kultūra
    2) (a short whip used when horse-riding.) pātaga
    3) (a (short) haircut: a crop of red hair.) īsi apcirpti mati
    4) ((of certain birds) the first stomach, which hangs like a bag from the neck.) guza
    2. verb
    (to cut or nibble short: The sheep crop the grass.) novākt ražu; apcirpt; nograuzt (zāli)
    * * *
    augoša labība; raža, birums; kultūra; īsi apcirpti mati; guza; daudzums; liels daudzums; kāts; dot ražu; novākt ražu; apdēstīt, apsēt; nograuzt, noganīt; apcirpt

    English-Latvian dictionary > crop

  • 11 Nip

    [nip] 1. past tense, past participle - nipped; verb
    1) (to press between the thumb and a finger, or between claws or teeth, causing pain; to pinch or bite: A crab nipped her toe; The dog nipped her ankle.) []kniebt; []kost
    2) (to cut with such an action: He nipped the wire with the pliers; He nipped off the heads of the flowers.) pārkniebt; nokniebt
    3) (to sting: Iodine nips when it is put on a cut.) kost
    4) (to move quickly; to make a quick, usually short, journey: I'll just nip into this shop for cigarettes; He nipped over to Paris for the week-end.) izskriet; aizskriet
    5) (to stop the growth of (plants etc): The frost has nipped the roses.) []kost, []kniebt
    2. noun
    1) (the act of pinching or biting: His dog gave her a nip on the ankle.) kodiens; kniebiens
    2) (a sharp stinging quality, or coldness in the weather: a nip in the air.) salta dvesma
    3) (a small drink, especially of spirits.) malciņš
    - nip something in the bud
    - nip in the bud
    * * *
    japānis; kniebiens, kodiens; malciņš; iedzert malciņu

    English-Latvian dictionary > Nip

  • 12 nip

    [nip] 1. past tense, past participle - nipped; verb
    1) (to press between the thumb and a finger, or between claws or teeth, causing pain; to pinch or bite: A crab nipped her toe; The dog nipped her ankle.) []kniebt; []kost
    2) (to cut with such an action: He nipped the wire with the pliers; He nipped off the heads of the flowers.) pārkniebt; nokniebt
    3) (to sting: Iodine nips when it is put on a cut.) kost
    4) (to move quickly; to make a quick, usually short, journey: I'll just nip into this shop for cigarettes; He nipped over to Paris for the week-end.) izskriet; aizskriet
    5) (to stop the growth of (plants etc): The frost has nipped the roses.) []kost, []kniebt
    2. noun
    1) (the act of pinching or biting: His dog gave her a nip on the ankle.) kodiens; kniebiens
    2) (a sharp stinging quality, or coldness in the weather: a nip in the air.) salta dvesma
    3) (a small drink, especially of spirits.) malciņš
    - nip something in the bud
    - nip in the bud
    * * *
    kniebt, kost; iekniebt, iekost; sažņaugt, saspiest; nokost, nopostīt, iznīcināt; izskriet

    English-Latvian dictionary > nip

  • 13 clip

    I 1. [klip] past tense, past participle - clipped; verb
    1) (to cut (foliage, an animal's hair etc) with scissors or shears: The shepherd clipped the sheep; The hedge was clipped.)
    2) (to strike sharply: She clipped him over the ear.)
    2. noun
    1) (an act of clipping.) cirpšana
    2) (a sharp blow: a clip on the ear.) belziens
    3) (a short piece of film: a video clip.) klips
    - clipping II 1. [klip] past tense, past participle - clipped; verb
    (to fasten with a clip: Clip these papers together.)
    2. noun
    (something for holding things together or in position: a paper-clip; a hair-clip; bicycle-clips (= round pieces of metal etc for holding the bottom of trouser legs close to the leg).) saspraude
    * * *
    spraude, saspraude; cirpšana; spaile; cirpums, nocirptā vilna; aptvere; belziens; liels ātrums; blēdis; cirpt; saspraust; aizspiest; apgriezt; izgriezt; norīt galotnes; kompostrēt; iebelzt; ierobežot; blēdīties

    English-Latvian dictionary > clip

  • 14 mince

    [mins] 1. verb
    1) (to cut into small pieces or chop finely: Would you like me to mince the meat for you?) []malt; []kapāt
    2) (to walk with short steps, in an unpleasantly dainty or delicate way: She minced over to him.) tipināt
    2. noun
    (meat (usually beef) chopped up into small pieces: mince and potatoes.) malta/kapāta gaļa
    - mincing
    - mincingly
    - mincemeat
    * * *
    kapāta gaļa; kapāt, malt; runāt afektēti; tipināt

    English-Latvian dictionary > mince

  • 15 square

    [skweə] 1. noun
    1) (a four-sided two-dimensional figure with all sides equal in length and all angles right angles.) kvadrāts
    2) (something in the shape of this.) kvadrātveida priekšmets
    3) (an open place in a town, with the buildings round it.) laukums
    4) (the resulting number when a number is multiplied by itself: 3 × 3, or 32 = 9, so 9 is the square of 3.) kvadrāts, (skaitļa) otrā pakāpe
    2. adjective
    1) (having the shape of a square or right angle: I need a square piece of paper; He has a short, square body / a square chin.) kvadrātveida-; taisnstūra-
    2) ((of business dealings, scores in games etc) level, even, fairly balanced etc: If I pay you an extra $5 shall we be (all) square?; Their scores are (all) square (= equal).) vienāds; taisnīgs; godīgs
    3) (measuring a particular amount on all four sides: This piece of wood is two metres square.) kvadrāta-; garumā un platumā
    4) (old-fashioned: square ideas about clothes.) vecmodīgs
    3. adverb
    1) (at right angles, or in a square shape: The carpet is not cut square with the corner.) ar taisnu stūri; taisni
    2) (firmly and directly: She hit him square on the point of the chin.) precīzi; tieši
    4. verb
    1) (to give a square shape to or make square.) veidot kvadrātu
    2) (to settle, pay etc (an account, debt etc): I must square my account with you.) nokārtot (rēķinus); nolīdzināt (parādu)
    3) (to (cause to) fit or agree: His story doesn't square with the facts.) saskanēt; atbilst
    4) (to multiply a number by itself: Two squared is four.) kāpināt kvadrātā
    - squarely
    - square centimetre
    - metre
    - square root
    - fair and square
    - go back to square one
    - a square deal
    * * *
    kvadrāts, taisnstūris; kvadrātveida priekšmets; skvērs, laukums; kvartāls; stūrenis, uzstūris; kvadrāts; veidot kvadrātu; nokārtot; saskaņot; saskanēt; uzpirkt, piekukuļot; izlīdzināt rezultātu; kāpināt kvadrātā; kvadrātveida, taisnstūra; paralēls; precīzs, pareizs; taisnīgs, godīgs; pamatīgs; plecīgs, drukns; vecmodīgs; taisni; godīgi

    English-Latvian dictionary > square

  • 16 stubble

    1) (the stubs or ends of corn left in the ground when the stalks are cut.) rugāji
    2) (short coarse hairs growing eg on an unshaven chin.) bārdas rugāji
    * * *
    rugāji; bārdas rugāji; īsi apcirpti mati

    English-Latvian dictionary > stubble

  • 17 dice with death

    (to do something very risky (and dangerous): He diced with death every time he took a short cut across the main railway line.) rotaļāties ar nāvi

    English-Latvian dictionary > dice with death

См. также в других словарях:

  • cut short — index brief, condense, curtail, decrease, discontinue (break continuity), halt, minimize, rescind, retrench …   Law dictionary

  • cut short — [v] bring to an end; leave unfinished abbreviate, abort, abridge, break off, check, diminish, end, finish, halt, hinder, intercept, interrupt, postpone, quit, shorten, stop, terminate; concepts 121,234 Ant. continue, lengthen, prolong …   New thesaurus

  • cut short — verb 1. interrupt before its natural or planned end (Freq. 3) We had to cut short our vacation • Syn: ↑break short, ↑break off • Hypernyms: ↑interrupt, ↑break …   Useful english dictionary

  • cut short — {v.} To stop or interrupt suddenly; end suddenly or too soon. * /Rain cut short the ball game./ * /An auto accident cut short the man s life./ * /When Dick began to tell about his summer vacation the teacher cut him short, saying Tell us about… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • cut short — {v.} To stop or interrupt suddenly; end suddenly or too soon. * /Rain cut short the ball game./ * /An auto accident cut short the man s life./ * /When Dick began to tell about his summer vacation the teacher cut him short, saying Tell us about… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • cut\ short — v To stop or interrupt suddenly; end suddenly or too soon. Rain cut short the ball game. An auto accident cut short the man s life. When Dick began to tell about his summer vacation the teacher cut him short, saying tell us about that another… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • cut short — 1) they cut short their vacation Syn: break off, shorten, truncate, curtail, terminate, end, stop, abort, bring to an untimely end 2) several award recipients were cut short during their acceptance speeches Syn: interrupt, cut off …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • cut short — verb a) Make shorter by cutting The party was cut short because everything was getting broken. b) interrupt and curtail before the planned end time …   Wiktionary

  • cut short — Synonyms and related words: abbreviate, abbreviated, abridge, abridged, abstract, abstracted, arrest, block, bob, bobbed, boil down, brake, bring to, bring up short, butchered, capsule, capsulize, capsulized, castrated, check, checkmate, choke,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • To cut short — Cut Cut (k[u^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Cut}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Cutting}.] [OE. cutten, kitten, ketten; prob. of Celtic origin; cf. W. cwtau to shorten, curtail, dock, cwta bobtailed, cwt tail, skirt, Gael. cutaich to shorten, curtail, dock, cutach …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To cut short — Short Short, a. [Compar. {Shorter}; superl. {Shortest}.] [OE. short, schort, AS. scort, sceort; akin to OHG. scurz, Icel. skorta to be short of, to lack, and perhaps to E. shear, v. t. Cf. {Shirt}.] 1. Not long; having brief length or linear… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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